Birth Congrats | Happy birthday wishes cards, Birthday wishes cards, Happy birthday wishesIslamic desires for the new born child This beautiful greeting card of the baby's daughter with a floral design is a heart-felt greeting card for any Muslim family with a newborn girl. It is recommended (mustahab) to congratulate parents and the family at the birth of a child, and to beg (dua) for them and the child, as this adds to their happiness and creates an environment of love and unity. The Holy Quran refers to the good news (bishara) given to Sayyiduna Ibrahim and Sayyiduna Zakariyya (peace be upon both).1) Most High Allah says in relation to Sayyiduna Ibrahim (peace be upon him), "So we gave him [Ibrahim] the good news of a child who has been forgiven." (Qur'an 37:101)2) In reference to Sayyiduna Zakariyya (peace be upon him), Most High Allah says, "O Zakariyya, We give you the good news of a child whose name is Yahya ..." (Qur'an 19:7) The above verses refer to Most High Allah giving good news (bishara) to two of His Prophets (peace be upon them). There is a technical difference betweenbishara and congratulation (tahni'a), in which the first means to notify someone of good news that he was not aware of before, while the second one refers to making dua' and to congratulate someone who is aware of the news. However, the notion is the same in both; that is, to express happiness due to good news. (Ibn al-Qayyim, Tuhfat al-Mawlud p: 33)3) Abu Burda refers to Sayyiduna Abu Musa (Allah be pleased with him) that he said: "A son was born to me, so I brought him to the Messenger of Allah (bless him) give him peace. He called him Ibrahim, put [some part of a] date in his mouth after chewing it (tahnik), plead for the blessing of Allah upon him, and then returned it to me... " (Sahih al-Bukhari no: 5166) In view of the above and other tests, many classic scholars such as Imams al-Nawawi and Ibn al-Qayyim (Allah have mercy on them) declare that it is recommended to congratulate and apply (make dua) to the birth of a child. Imam Ibn al-Qayyim states, "If one cannot make good appointments, it is recommended (mustahab) to congratulate." (Tuhfat al-Mawlud p: 33)As such, one should congratulate the parents and the family – regardless of whether the newborn is a child or a child – and make supplications that Allah bless the child, that the child grows to be just and a half fried. Some specific supplications have also been reported in this regard:1) Sayyiduna Hasan al-Basri (Allah be satisfied with him) advised a man to beg with the following words when he congratulates the new parents: labeled his representative upwardly upward, including the new parents. It was originally reported by Ibn al-Ja'd in hisMusnad, Ibn Abi al-Dunya, Abu Bakr ibn al-Mundhir in his Al-Awsat and Ibn Adi in his Al-Kamil. The transmission chain of this report has been classified as weak by some, but scholars like Nawawi and Ibn al-Qayyim have recommended their recitation as it is merely of virtuous actions, provided that one does not consider it firmly established. Imam al-Nawawi (Allah has mercy on him) states that it is also recommended for the one who congratulates, that is, the new parents, to respond with the following or similar Duaل:ب "How do you say it?" Your blessings upon you; and that Allah reward you with good, grant you the same and increase your reward. "2) Ayyub al-Sakhtiyani (Allah has mercy on him), the great Imam and follower (tabi'i), would congratulate the new parents with the following supplication:جعله الله مبارجمبارجلية على محمد مد حلى الله عله لوسلملململململململململ May Allah make the child a blessing to you and a blessing to the Umma of Muhammad (bless him and give him peace)." (Remembered by Imam al-Tabarani 945 and others by Ayyub al-Sakhtiyani; Tabarani also reports this by Hasan al-Basri 946)GiftsGiving gifts to the parents and for the newborn is also a good way of fostering friendly and love. However, it must be remembered that giving gifts should not become a mere custom and should not be expected or considered mandatory. And Allah knows bestReference: DarulIftaThus: As Loading. .. What are some messages and wishes for congratulations from newborn babies? * May your beautiful newborn baby (Chico or girl) bring happiness to the world and. What are some messages and wishes for congratulations from newborn babies? * May your beautiful newborn baby (Chico or girl) bring happiness to the world and. Sunny words of congratulation when a newborn comes1.1: Honor the birth "And peace be upon him the day he was born, and the day he dies, and the day he will be raised alive! 1 "And peace be upon me the day that I was born, and the day that I die, and the day that I will rise alive."2119. Imam al-Baqir (a.s.) said: "Son of three [big] days: The day you were born, the day you will enter your grave and the day you will go out to your Lord. What great days will be."3120. Imam al-Baqir (a.s.) said, while congratulating a man for his newborn son: "I ask Allah to make him a [dignified] successor in his life and a successor after you, for in fact a man succeeds in his life and after his death."4121 Imam al-Sadiq (a.s.) said: "A person's greatest day is the day he is born, and his smallest day is the day he dies."5122. Imam al-Sadiq (a.s.) said: "A man said by congratulating someone who was blessed with a son: "Congratulations for your new rider." Imam Hasan (a.s.) said to him, "How do you know he will be a rider or a walker?" The man said, "Let me be sacrificed for you! So what should I say? He (a.s.) said: "Say: You have thanked the Give [of this reward], and that the give is a blessing to you. The members of the Board of Directors of the Russian Federation (Ali ibn al-Hakam) said: "For the birth of one of their children, Abu al-Hasan Musa [al-Kazim] had a feast, and fed fulبj7 in the great bowls to the people of Medina in which it was wrong. المام الباقر علمام الما الماقر عليه السلام: ي tunnelا ابنم الأيمام اله الما المومومومومومومارجلة فيه فيبو فية 120. عنه عليه السلام- في ت sumهنلة rationalizaría resanar los cambio necesarias بيةم errorولود invalid أسيممسجا أن عيجعلة reasign حمحجدوجد فية 120. عنه عليه السلام- في ت sumهنلة rationalizaría remedyar loschanges necesarias بيةم errorولود invalid أسيممسجا أن عيجعلة reasign حمحجدوجد فية 121. المام المامامادق عليه السلام: أsubب moleر will serve ما ي seemed to emerge the mechanisms followed by the selected representatives يومومويول Save support و أكاما يون subdependieron يوموموموموموتو. 121. المام المادق عليه السلام: أ Downبرج ما ي imbalance there were several results obtained under the established aegis were established by the separate representatives يومة يول respiratory channels meetings و 122. عنه عليه السلام: ه equating subsidiarily subsidiarily to representatives of the countries concerned in the development of the research programmes: ف restrictالة: ي reinforcements included appeared to be included. فقالة عليه السلام: ما علللمэلمниченных наннннннали فاريساو راجيةاجالةاجالةاجاية2. عربيوقوة فеر سانнныманныقوннннныминыыыыыыныхныхнинаниениениенаниенанннннаныхныхныхныхныхныхных It was the case. السي وقن علمن عالمان عнхнلم عуقنالمن 1.3: recite Adhan and Iqamah in the ears of newborns125. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "He who is given a newborn and recites the Adhan in his right ear and the Iqamah in his left ear, Um al-Sibyan10 will not harm him."11126. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "If anyone has a newborn child, he must recite the Adhan in his right ear and the Iqamah in his left ear, for this will bring security from the cursed Satan."12127. Sunan Abi Dawud, narrating from Abu Rafay, said: "When Fatima (a.s.) gave birth to Hasan ibn 'Ali (a.s.), I saw the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) reciting the Adhan in his ear."13128. Imam 'Ali (a.s.) said: "When the time came for Fatima to give birth to her son, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) told Asma' bint 'Omenos and Um Salamah: "Take her so that when her baby is released and start to cry, recite the Adhan in her right ear and the IqÁmah in her left ear, so that it is done. When Fatima handed over to the baby, they did what he (s.a.w.) told them, then the Prophet (s.a.w.) came and cut his umbilical cord and put some of his saliva in the mouth of the newborn and said: "O Allah! I seek you refuge for him and for his offspring from the vice of the cursed Satan."14129. Imam al-Sadiq (a.s.) said, in relation to some of the things that are done to a child at the time of his birth: "Tell the midwife or anyone who is with her to recite the Adhan in her right ear so that the child will never go crazy or followed by a jinn."15130. Imam al-Sadiq (a.s.) said, referring to some of the things that a baby should be done at the time of his birth: He recites the Adhan in his right ear and the Iqamah in his left ear. Do this before cutting the umbilical cord, because the child will never be a coward and will not be afflicted by [the disease of] Um al-Sibyan."16 Followان Various و immunity الاقامة Reply Answers في أ There were additional delegationsن الولديدالأدان The inspected judges were provided. رسول الله чلى الله عليه وctaله: م Tunnel ولن وألد ee em entre los otros miembros في أني أني أمن kept updated اليمنى و أمنى و دامامام فيي أ أ أ There were revised errors رسول الله ملى الله عليه وله: من و اللد equiparsubstances في emulate bass في أ Delegates continued to establish agreements on the revised results. عнنه دله عليه وctaله: م moleن فية اليمنية بيыة الнلان الнماية الية الية الأيمن 127. سن أبي داود عن عل علي رافع: رألمнة still subsidized the subsidized members الله عليه و Venusال أceptه في 127. سن أبي داود عن عل علي رافع: رألمнة still subsidized the subsidized members الله عليه و Venusال أceptه في 128. فيи The resources needed to help representatives solve the problem have not yet been found: مارجا العابيلمو بيو بدو بدو الدوجموجمية 129. الما المادق عليه السلام- فيما ي corroboran aún presente بالمود ود ود ود Nor will و reunionesلند-: اماfre Several delegates اقابلدة أبو بو بو بو بية 130. عнхнхнихныыыыыыныыыыныынхнннхннхнннхннниныыыыыыыыныыыыыыныыыыннинхнннхннннхннннннхнннннннинининхнинининхнинининин The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "The first thing a newborn should be fed is warm water."17132. Musnad Abu Ya'la, narrating from Abu Musa, who said: "A son was born to me. I took him to the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) and he appointed him Ibrahim. Then he gave him a quote [like the first piece of food he ate], prayed that he might be blessed, and then returned it to me."18133. Sahih Muslim, recounting of 'Aishah who said: "Newborns were brought to the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) and he blessed and was the first to feed them."19134. Imam 'Ali (a.s.) said: "Ali your newborns first with dates, as the Prophet (s.a.w.) did with Hasan and Husayn (2013 afi). In another narrative (a.s.) he said: "The first food to be given to his children is the water of the Euphrates and the ground of the tomb of Husayn (a.s.), and if that is not possible, then with rainwater."21136. Imam al-Sadiq (a.s.) said, "Let the first thing your children eat be the ground of Husayn's tomb (a.s.), for it is a safeguard."22137. Imam al-Ridha said, in al-Fiqh – a book attributed to him: "When a child is born, feed him first with the water of the Euphrates if you are able, otherwise with the honey."23التي salva Advanced التحني Abajo 131. رسو الله чلى الله عليه ودله: يحنнаннныханннининиودных بيالمالمالماية السннци. 131. رسو الله чلى الله عليه وله: يحنнанннннныханннннныйودных بيالمالمالماية السية. 132. مسند أبي يعلى عن أبي موسى: " Economic and Social Council members indicate that steps have been taken to improve the situation of children. 132. مسند أبي يعلى عن أبي موسى: " Economic and Social Council members indicate that steps have been taken to improve the situation of children. 133. دحيح مسلم عن عامشة: أنна رسولة الله عله و comercialله Аان ي establishing dialogues on the human rights database. عнхнихнихнихнихнихнихнихнихнихнихнихныыыыыыыыыыныыыыыыыыыынхнилихннанихнихнихнинихнил عнени فيواиникниникнининикниникиникининикининикининининикнининикниникиникнининини 136. المام المادق عليه السلام: حنнанногенннниници أولادныхниници الحسليه السليه السلامامم السلام الفينينية. المام المادق عليه السلام: حنнаннногеннннниници أولادныхници الحسليه السليه السلامام السلام السلام الفينينية 137. المام الرضا عليه السلام- فاي الفيقه المنسوبية эل invalidل وحنнنلمية It would adjust the results of the reports on the results of the investigation of the results of the evaluation of the resources of the United States administration. المام الرضا عله السلام- فية القه المرجنسوبية ول invalidيهل وحل escapeنية will serve to establish the relevant results. 1.5: NamingA- Choose a good name138. Imam al-Kazim (a.s.) said: "Someone came to the Prophet (s.a.w.) and said, "O Messenger of Allah! What is the right of my son? He replied: "Selecting a good name for him, raising him well and facilitating a good life for him."24139. Imam al-Kazim (a.s.) said: "The first act of benevolence that a man has to his son is to choose a good name for him, so each one of you should choose a good name for your child."25Accommodating Subjected Contribute الاسمين ت salvaسين mices الاسماح 138. مники 139. عнхнихнихнихныыныныхнихннихнихнихнихныныыныыынынининыхнинининихнинихнининихнинихнининининихнихнинихнины Imam 'Ali (a.s.) said: "Choose a name for your children before they are born. If you do not know if the child is male or female, call them by the names that are good for a male and female, because the spoiled fetus will find you on the Day of Judgment, while you have not chosen a name for him, abortion will tell his father: Why did you not choose a name for me? In truth, the Messenger of Allah gave the name to MuÎsin before being born."26 small sumسمية inseparably, the messages sent were sent by e-mails أن يول invalidدнинаныханнннихمعمامع The tradition of Ahlul Bayt in Naming141. Sunan al-Tirmidhi, recounting of 'Amr ibn Shu'ayb, of his grandfather's father who said: "In truth, the Prophet (s.a.w.) ordered the choice of a name for a newborn on the seventh day [after his birth], and cutting his hair and offering a sacrifice."27 Entered sub-atoptotopotopotopotopotopotopotoped to inspect. سن الرم عن عمرو بن شعيبيه عن عن عنيه عنнаннныханннннаннннаничниعن عل عنيه عل علو علد.14مرجست The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "The blessed names are: 'Abdullah, 'Abd al-Rahman and similar names denoting servitude to Allah."28143. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "In fact, the best of the names are: 'Abdullah, 'Abd al-Rahman, Harithah and Hammam.' 29144. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said, "If you name the child Muhammad, honor him, make room for him in the meetings and did not frowned on him."30145. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "If you name someone Muhammad, do not dishonor him, do not frustrate him and do not beat him. Blessed be the house that has a Muhammad, the meeting that has a Muhammad, and a company of friends that has a Muhammad."31146. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "There is no house that has the name of Muhammad in him that will not increase in his sustenance by Allah. So, if you have named a child Muhammad, you should not hit or insult him."32147. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "Name someone Muhammad and then insult him!"33148. al-Kafi, narrating from al-Sakuni that he said: "I went to Imam al-Sadiq (a.s.) while he was sad and upset, and he said to me, "O'Sakuni, why are you sad?" I said, "A daughter is born to me." He said, "O Sakuni, his weight is on the earth and his sustenance is of Allah. Live out of your life, and eat more than your livelihood. By Allah, he relieved me, and then said, What did you call her? I said, "Fatimah." He said: "Excellent!" Then he put his hand on his forehead and said, "The Messenger of Allah said, "The rights of the child over the father are that if the child is a man, the father must honor his mother, choose a good name for him, teach him the Book of Allah, purify him and teach him to swim. And if the child is a woman, he must honor his mother, choose a good name for her, teach him [of] the Chapter of Light, not teach him [of] the Chapter of Joseph34, not put it in a room above 35, and hasten it to send her to her husband's house [for marriage]." Be careful! Since you have called him Fatima, you should not insult her or curse her or strike her."36149. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "He who gives himself to four children and does not name one of them Muhammad has been disloyal to me."37150. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "Name [his sons] with the names of the prophets."38151. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "There is no family in which there is the name of a Divine Prophet except that Allah sends an angel to them to sanctify them from the morning prayer to the evening."39152. Imam al-Baqir (a.s.) said: "The best name is the one that indicates servitude40 [of Allah], and the best of them are the names of the prophets."41153. Imam al-Sadiq (a.s.) said: "There is no child born to us and no name is called Muhammad, and when seven days have passed, we keep the name if we want or change it."42154. Imam al-Sadiq (a.s.) said: "Someone came to the Prophet (s.a.w.) and said, "O Messenger of Allah! A child is born to me, what do I call him? He said, "Name him for the most beloved of the names for me: Hamzah."43155. al-Kafi, narrating from 'Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad'Azrami who said, "Mu'awiyah appointed Marwan ibn al-Hakam as governor of Medina and ordered him to pay for the young people of Quraysh, and he did. "Imam Zayn al-'Abidin [al-Sajjad] said, "I went to him and he asked, "What is your name?" I replied: "Ali ibn al-Husayn". He asked, "What is the name of your brother?" I replied, "'Ali'. He said: Ali and Ali! What was your father after naming all his sons 'Ali'? Then he paid my salary and I returned to my father [Imam Husayn] and told him what happened. He said, "Woe to the woman's blue eyes 44 and the skin [animal] tanner. If they gave me a hundred children, I would name them only "Ali."45156. Tafsir al-'Ayyashi, recounting from Rib'i ibn 'Abdullah that said: 'Abu 'Abdullah [al-Sadiq] (a.s.) was asked: "May I be your ransom! We named [our offspring] by their names and the names of their parents, do we benefit from this?" He said, "For Allah, does it, and is religion more than love? Allah said: "... If you love Allah, follow me, Allah will love you and forgive your sins..."4647157. al-Kafi, narrating from Ibn Mayyah of Fulan ibn Hamid who said he asked and sought advice from Abu Abdullah [al-Sadiq] (a.s.) on the name of his son. The Imam said, "Name to him by a name that indicates servitude." He said, "What are those names?" He (a.s.) said: "[Names] as "Abd al-Rahman."48158. Imam al-Kazim (a.s.) said: "Poverty will not enter the house that has one of the men named Muhammad, Ahmad, 'Ali, Hasan, Husayn, Ja'far, Ibrahim Talib, or 'Abdullah, or among the women named Fatima."49159. Imam Hasan al-'Askari (a.s. He forgives his sins and blesses him with a good son who believes in the truth. Tell him that Al-Hasan ibn 'Ali says, 'Nome your son Ahmad.'50160. Kashf al-Ghummah, narrating from Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Qalanisi, who said: "My brother Muhammad wrote to Abu Muhammad [al-'Askari] (a.s.) while his wife was pregnant and near liberation and had asked him (a.s.) to pray to Allah to relieve her [of pain] and to bless her with a newborn and choose a name for the newborn. The Imam wrote in response, praying to Allah for his well-being and said, "Allah give you a healthy son, and Muhammad and Abd al-Rahman are good names." Then his wife gave birth to twins and named one of them Muhammad and the other 'Abd al-Rahman'.51 Following this, it was stated that there were certain obstacles and that they had been insufficiently found the necessary mechanisms. رسو الله чلمنه عله وctaله نعم الأسماء: علهبة و 142. رسو الله чلى الله عليه وctaله نلعله نلعلعلم الأمم الأمماجماجماجماجمحمن الرحمن الأسماء will periodically support المعربدة tendة. 143. عنه دلى الله عليه وctaله: ألا ألنнанананннннннннннничных: عربد Together اللهية و عربد genes الرнанннныхمنية و حارية would soon escape as they were found. 143. عنه دلى الله عليه وctaله: ألا ألنных наниханиханихинихиниченици: عربد Together اللهية و عربد genes الرнаريارمنية ع 144. عنه دلى الله عليه و COMEله « Misaccepted by mistake subsidized other representatives designated as autonomous mechanisms subsidized the other problems encountered in the human rights information system. 144. عنه دلى الله عليه و COMEله « Misaccepted by mistake subsidized other representatives designated as autonomous mechanisms subsidized the other problems encountered in the human rights information system. 145. عنه ملى الله عليه وله: ت They are chosen to incur serious errors were frequent. عنه دم الله عليه ووه: تقبيا حوا ح لا حم حجبيوجموسوجم حجبوجمو ح ح ح حجبيوجبوجهوجموجموجموجموجموجمو 146. عنه محلى الله عليه و COMEله: ما ما من بнيه اسم reunionesل مнحمнычнной ماجماجموجموجموجمش مورجمورجموموجمو 146. عنه مرلى الله عليه وله: ما ما من بнيتك اسمومومحلمحمد الا موسوجمو اللجمش علمو اليهمو الرجنقورجمومومو 147. 147. 148. الافي ع replante السيнаннннннннннннниеннны: د replante is not yet possible. فики I didn't know. 149. رسوله ملى الله عليه وله مненن وненныхиничнининининининихниныхинининининининининихнинининининининининининихнинининининининининихининининининининининининининининининининининининининининининининининининининининининининининининининининининининининининин 149. رسول الله ملى الله عليه وctaله من ولن وunionsلد invalid remote أ equiرب equating among other members أ tunnelولاد marginal يم ية continued to increase incorrectly أ liquidaba cuts أ liquid appeared to have subsidized funds and بية 150. عنه دلى الله عليه و COMEICIED: ت moleس Inmobiliaria inequalityوا بية misinterpreted loans Other aspects seemed to affect practice. 150. عنه دلى الله عليه وله: ت moleس Inmobiliaria mal gestiónوا لمالة الأنبياة. 151. سненنه دله عليه ساله: ما ما من عهلم بيته الم اسم اسم نمبنلارمجعجمجد د لمجه دلى الله 152. المام الباقر عليه السلام: أ tunnelدными الأسماجما ما سالعية periodically periodic discussions would be scarcely considered rational as substitutes بو دو أو أو أجماجمسماجماجسماسماسماسماسماماماماماماء الماماماماماماء الأن الأن الأن 153. المامادق عليه السلام: لا يول tunnel remained present in the system of distribution of the resources necessary for the development of the country information systems. 153. المامادق عليه السلام: لا يول tunnel remained present in the system of distribution of the resources necessary for the development of the country information systems. 154. عнариния عниния فيوнениненинининыханнннинининининининининининининининининининанининанининанинининан سнанинининирининининининики 157. الافي عن ابنية مнаныханннннныханнныханннннных: أنныхнинининининининих. فقالة: أ imbalance اليماة ه divided monetary deficiencies? It was the same. 158. المام المام السليه السلام: لا يнннннннннннннныхннивный اسمнничныхнининининининининининининининыйый. It was the time of the day. нинининининининининининининининининининининининининининининининининин . MINISITIONAL . E- Inappropriate names161. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "No name to his sons Hakam and Abu al-Hakam, for Allah is the Hakam (Arbitrator)."52162. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "No name to your son: Yasar, Rabah, Najih, or Aflah."53163. The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: "The worst names are: Dirar, Murrah, Harb and Zalim."54164. Majma' al-Zawa'id, recounting of 'Abd al-Rahman ibn Abu Sabrah who said: "My father and I went to the Prophet (s.a.w.) who asked my father: "Is this your son?" He replied, "Yes." He (s.a.w.) asked, "What is his name?" He replied, "al-Hubab." He (s.a.w.) said, "Do not call him al-Hubab, for al-Hubab is Satan, but rather he [his son] is "Abd al-Rahman."55165. al-Mu'jam al-Kabir, narrating from his father's Ibn Buraydah, who said, "The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) forbade any being called Kalb (dog) or Kulaib."56F- The reason for the Prostitution of Certain Names166. Sunan Abu Dawud, narrating from Muhammad ibn 'Amr ibn 'Ata' who said: "Zainab bint Abu Salamah asked him [Muhammad ibn 'Amr ibn 'Ata']: What was his daughter's name? He said, "I have called him Barrah (True)."50 Newborn Baby Wishes and Islamic Birthdays Messages and Budgets The presence of the newborn baby is a happy news for couples. Positive expectations of fruit grow in the heart. For Muslims, it is recommended to be happy with their happiness. Doubt, pray for their success, and congratulate them are some ways to prove that we are happy to have a newborn baby in Muslim. Islamic law teaches us to make a series of dhikr and doubts that it should be done when the newborn baby comes into the world. This dhikr and dua are mainly made by his father and others are still recommended. Islam has paid very detailed attention to the newborn baby, from the process of conception, pregnancy, birth, to education when the child was born and growth to adulthood. Everyone received careful attention and guidance. It shows that it is important to maintain, nurture and educate the newborn baby from the beginning. Here is a dua for a newborn baby in Islam.1. "My Lord, indeed I [I] (he) delivered [she] a female." And Allah knows better [of] what she gave, and is not the male like the female. "And that I [I] (he) called his Maryam and that I [I] seek refuge for her in You and her offspring of the Shaitaan rejected them." (Al-Imran 3:36)1. "My Lord, in fact I [I] (he) released [she] a female." And Allah knows better [of] what she gave, and is not the male like the female. "And that I [I] (he) called her Maryam and that I [I] seek refuge for her in You and her offspring of the Shaitaan rejected." (Al-Imran 3:36) Each baby born will be stabbed by a hand demon until the baby screams and cries. Thanks to Maryam's mother's dua, Maryam was born without the devil's intrusion. Similarly, when the Prophet Isa was born, Maryam prayed for Isa to always be in protection. So, when your baby is born in the world, it's good to pray for the baby as Maryam's mother. See also: Dua to Get Married Fast2. "O Allah, I seek refuge in you for it and for my descendants of the cursed devil." 2. "O Allah, I seek refuge in you for it and for my descendants of the cursed devil." There will be demons and Satan in the world. We need to do this to keep the baby away from them.3. I seek refuge with the perfect prayers of God, all the temptations of the devil and the disturbing beasts and the evil eye. (HR Abu Dhabi 3371)3. I seek refuge with the perfect prayers of God, all the temptations of the devil and the disturbing beasts and the evil eye. (HR Abu Dhabi 3371) The newborn baby is always active and wants to know everything. We have to do this to protect the baby from the temptation of the devil and the evil eye. See also: Prayers by the deceased husband4. May Allah bless the children given to them. May you be grateful to the giver, and he is able to attain adulthood, and you are blessed with his goodness. May Allah bless you the children that are given to you. May you be grateful to the Dardor, and he is able to attain adulthood, and you are blessed with his goodness. By making this dua, we hope that the newborn baby will always remember Allah. With this, Allah will give blessing and goodness for the whole life of the baby. 5. May Allah bless you and bring you happiness. May Allah reward you with the best of rewards, to give you pleasure and to multiply your reward. 5. May Allah bless you and bring you happiness. May Allah reward you with the best of rewards, to give you pleasure and to multiply your reward. "This dua is a hope for the baby to bring happiness to the family. We hope the baby will multiply our reward that can be used in the beyond. See also: Benefits of Exercise in Islam6. "May Allah bless this child for you and make him a good man of the righteous." (Al-Bazzar)6. May Allah bless this child for you and make him a good man of the righteous. (Al-Bazzar)By making this dua, we hope that the newborn baby will be a righteous man. Allah loves the people who are doing good and become righteous. 7. Oh Allah, make him (a baby) a good, cautious and intelligent person. It grows in Islam with good growth. "7. Oh Allah, make (a baby) a good, cautious and intelligent person. It grows in Islam with good growth. "This dua is a hope for the newborn baby to become a good, cautious and intelligent person. We hope this baby will do Islam better in the future. See also: How to stay up to date after Fajr8. May Allah do good for you and the people of Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam' (At-Thabrani)8. "May Allah do good for you and the people of Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam" (At-Thabrani)We have to do this to expect the new character Muhammad to have a baby. We hope that the baby will become the successor of Prophet Muhammad as well.9. O Allah, make this name a blessing to him, be a child who fears Allah and is dedicated to his parents. Allah lengthen your age to obey your religion as much as your body. Make him leader after adulthood, and put his faith in the trials of the world and beyond. "9. O Allah, make this name a blessing to him, be a child who fears Allah and is dedicated to his parents. Allah lengthen your age to obey your religion as much as your body. Make him leader after adulthood, and put his faith in the trials of the world and beyond. "This duo is done when we give the newborn baby a name. We hope the name will do well in the world and later. See also: Things to do on Juma Friday for women10. "When my son was born, I brought him to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. He gave me the name of my baby, Ibrahim, and set the date and blessed it with blessings. Then he came back to me. (HR Bukhari 5467 and Muslim 2145)10. When my son was born, I brought him to the Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. He gave me the name of my baby, Ibrahim, and set the date and blessed it with blessings. Then he came back to me. (HR Bukhari 5467 and Muslim 2145) This is an example of previous people who brought their children to Prophet Muhammad to get the blessing. By making this duo, we ask for the blessing of the newborn baby. 11. O Allah, make him a perfect, intelligent, intelligent and knowledgeable son."11. Allah, make him a perfect, intelligent, intelligent and knowledgeable son. This duo can be read at any time and anywhere for the child to grow up in a sholeh, intelligent and knowledgeable child. It is worth reading in a time of mustajab as a third night, 10 nights late in Ramadan or between adzan and iqomah. See also: The priority of a mother's prayer12. Or Zakariya! In fact, We [We] give you good news of a child his name (will be) Yahya, not We (have) assigned [for] him before (this) name." (Maryam 19:7)12. Oh Zakariya! In fact, we [we] give you good news of a child his name (will be) Yahya, not We (have) assigned [for] him before (this) name." (Maryam 19:7) This is an example of Zakariya being given to a child by Allah. This dua is to thank Allah for the baby given to us. 13. So we gave him the good news from a guy who forgave. (As-Saffat 37:101)13. So we gave him the good news from a guy who forgave. (As-Saffat 37:101) A newborn baby is a happy news for the couple. So, we have to spread it to the people around us too. See also: Dua to increase memory in Islam14. They said, "(Do not be afraid, in fact, we [we] bring you good news from a learned child." (Al-Hijr 15:53)14. They said, "(Do not be afraid, in fact, we [we] will bring good news to you from a learned child." (Al-Hijr 15:53) Having a new person in the family can make us more responsible. However, we should not give up and always ask Allah to give us convenience to raise the baby. 15. Then the angels called him when he stood, praying in the prayer room. "In fact, Allah gives you good news of Yahya, confirming a Word of Allah and a noble and chaste and a prophet among the righteous." (Al-Imran 3:39)15. Then the angels called him when he was standing – praying in the prayer room. "In fact, Allah gives you good news of Yahya, confirming a Word of Allah and a noble and chaste and a Prophet among the righteous." (Al-Imran 3:39) In doing this dua, we hope that angels and Allah will protect this baby forever. Protecting them will raise the baby in a good way. See also: How a woman should dress in IslamMore Daa for the newborn baby in IslamHere is more dua for the newborn baby in Islam. That's all dua for a newborn baby in Islam. I hope this article will give us benefits and hopes that we will always be happy to receive a newborn baby in the family. Islamic Birthday Wishes for Muslims- These desires play a very important role in one's life as newborn wishes for a girl Baby messages, Baby girl's baby. Islamic Birthday Wishes for Muslims- These desires play a very important role in one's life as newborn wishes for a girl Baby messages, Baby girl's baby. 25 Cute Dua for a newborn baby in Islam The birth of a baby is one of the happiest events in the world... all parents deserve a medal for every child that takes place. In the absence of medals, here are messages to raise the spirit of new parents: Congratulations for your newborn baby Having a male child is a great blessing that deserves congratulations. Here are Sweet Congratulations for your new baby born child you can send your loved ones to give birth a baby child.1. There are very few feelings that can compete with the feeling of having a child bouncing! We hope to see them scolding and keeping it simultaneously! Congratulations. Congratulations on your new job! I trust you will do your work diligently and enjoy the dividends when you are older. Happy father... 3. No word is adequate enough to describe the kind of beauty that God has given you to nourish and care for. Best wishes4. Someone said the way you know if it's the only one for you is if it's both terrifying and exciting... Trust me, nothing in the world combines these feelings like having a baby! Congratulations5. All about a baby who comes out as stress is composed of other beautiful things like the baby's smile and smell... That these beauties do not elude you on the path of child-raising. Congratulation message for the newborn child6. Sending you loads of love and happiness endless all because of the cute little boy you're holding dear.7. You must have felt the most painful bliss pushing a candy of eyes out of you. Be the best parents8. The arrival of a baby is a sign of something beautiful that happened, a beauty show and a guarantee of a greater morning. So happy to have a new baby around!9. I congratulate the fathers of the amazing new king. May the rest of your years be as amazing as your birth. 10. People speak with affection of the joy that comes with the celebration of a newborn. I am so happy that you have this joy for the coming years! 11. I'm so happy to see you've been used to bring a lovely prince to a world full of rushing princesses. Let this prince be a charm! 12. How does it feel to bring a nation that smiles, cries and kicks? A baby is the most emotional catalyst in the future, that yours catalyzes nothing more than greatness. New Baby Born Child Congratulations Wishes13. I've heard once that parenting is a precious agony. My confusion about this statement didn't last so quickly I agreed that although raising children can be difficult, it's still the most rewarding job yet... it will be rewarded with a lot of beautiful smiles and a paper model label. Congratulations! 14. Wish a future full of laughter, joy and beginning of greater things with your new child! 15. What a miracle to see a little boy and imagine how great this little boy will become... God bless this new life. 16. Know this; you are representing God in the life of this adorable child because God cannot be everywhere, He has entrusted one of His treasures in His care. Let the work be absolutely amazing for you. 17. Babies are gifts from God. Consider your being extremely blessed by getting a cute boy like yours. Congratulations! 18. Wow! It feels like the end, but it's just the beginning of a journey with this new life. Enjoy it! 19. It feels good to know that we have another Miracle in the world, it feels even better to know that this Miracle is in great hands! Congratulations20. You're welcome, kid! You're so lucky to have your parents and they're so blessed to have you. Congratulations on your new baby Boy21. This world needs a Miracle as your child bouncing. Congratulations, dear! 22. A child will always be the protector of his family. You are so lucky to have a protector! Congratulations23. Prepare for noise, dirt, endless laughter and unforgettable moments. Enjoy parenting24. Congratulations on the birth of your new child! May your days with you be known for the undesirable and irrepentant happiness. 25. He's here! The amazing guy with the most adorable smile and the most beautiful face has left the mummy to be with Mom! Best wishes26. The young children dare and have fun, bring joy, little fear and many clay footprints in the house. Congratulations on having one that's really cute27. I share in your joy and send my best wishes upon the arrival of your newborn baby. 28. It's time for a full-time job as a supplier, guide and protector! Happy father. 29. Congratulations on having your first child. It is guaranteed to keep them on your toes! 30. Whatever this little boy wants to be later, I'm sure he'll succeed. Welcome Baby Boy Wishes31. It is the number of hugs and the intensity of love that they get that makes them what they later become... I trust you both will give you the best of this. I wish you the best32. Congratulations on the arrival of your dear son while filling your world with all the infantile, fun and hearty things. 33. A small child is the protector of his mother and minor child! Congratulations to both of you for the wonderful addition. 34. Welcome. Your parents and I cannot wait to see that it becomes the greatness that you are sure to be.35. Now that your baby is here, wait to scream and smile more. May the cry of joy never cease. 36. Your eyes will always see the beauty you've just been born as you experience their first everything. Enjoy! You deserve the best things in the world. I'm so excited that you'll experience the greatest joy you've landed in your house. May this joy be forever. Welcome Baby Greetings38. Paternity is one of the most amazing phases of someone's life. Enjoy this stage while welcoming your baby! 39. How great your curiosity was filled with a healthy child. May you have the greatest satisfaction of taking him to greatness40. I'm so happy for you! Paternity is an interesting journey, enjoy yours! 41. A baby is a gift that never stops giving joy, experience and laughter. You have a gift for children. 42. You must be special to have one of God's angels as a child. Congratulations! A tip for new parents: you're going to laugh a lot but he's probably gonna cry so much. Congratulations. Congratulation Message for the new Baby Boy44. You have a new life to look after for now. It's a beautiful addition that will always bring smiles to your face. Best wishes! 45. A star child is born today. His parents are the most blessed of all. May it always be a blessing and a source of joy! 46. How happy to have a cute man who has his blood flowing in his vein. Congratulations on having you a little. 47. Nothing exciting can overcome the excitement of knowing that you now have a little one. Congratulations on the birth of your baby. Congratulations Message to the newborn child48. From today, the perception of your people changes. It's one of the things that come with the parents of beings. May you be wonderful to your baby. 49. The kick you've had to enjoy for months now is beautifully lying on your lap with her lovely eyes and her infectious smile. Get him! Greetings! Now you have a child in your family. How exciting! Congratulations on your new birth Baby Girl Having a female child is a great blessing that deserves congratulations. Here are Sweet Congratulations for your new birth girl that you can send to your loved ones for giving birth a baby girl.1. As parents of a wonderful girl, your life will be filled with all the delicate, fun and fun things. Enjoy!2. Congratulations on the birth of your girl. I see her as kind as her mother and as strong as her father! Perfect!3. God has blessed you with a beautiful girl. Bring more blessings while prospering with grace.4. Prepare to behave like the father of a little princess because this baby of yours is a total princess!5. He's very much like his father in appearance, he's not going to be bad at all if he grows to become an amazing woman like his mother. Best wishes for parents6. He will want all the moments he will have with this dear girl. soon to grow to be a wonderful bride.7. Congratulations on the birth of your beloved daughter. Be sure to appreciate every moment and never forget all the memories you will have with it. Congratulation message for newborn baby girl8. We are very happy to congratulate you on the birth of your dear princess. May your years with her be the blown mind9. It's so exciting to celebrate the birth of greatness. May your parents' lives be filled with all the good news that follow greatness.10 She is an image of division of the unbelief of her parents, even at birth. 11. Congratulations to the proud mother and dad. Your child is obliged to make you even more proud as the years 12 pass. I wish your dear girl all the tones of affection and deplore as she finds a home today...13. cordial celebration on behalf of the girl. She deserves to have all the happiness in the world14. I have no doubt that you have come bearing love, peace and joy because I can already feel the aura of these wonderful things. 15. Children are the inheritance of God. May this little girl grow up in the idea of God of a virtuous woman. New baby born girl congratulations Wishes16. Congratulations to the cute and delicate girl now that she will eventually become beautiful and strong as she is meant to be.17. Congratulations to both of you for receiving the most determined blessing of God. A boy! It's more mental than you can have a girl. 18. I'm sure your life from now on will be full of wonderful moments and loads of beautiful things as you now have a princess to share everything with19. I'm pretty glad this baby has the best parents to hug and hold for years by next 20. I heard the good news! He made my heart dance with enthusiasm. Congratulations to both of you for being the newest parents in the city! 21. What a beautiful addition to a beautiful family. Now, your family is a center of all sweets! Congratulations on your newborn child22. A baby is a blessing and a child is the most blessed blessing. It must feel good to have this blessing as a family. 23. What way to make a family already wonderful a complete... Congratulations on your baby's arrival24. Now you have a little girl to think. Make your thoughts feel with bliss. Congratulations. I celebrate with you as you welcome your beautiful bundle of joy! I wish you happy moments with your little one. 26. The sound of joy is to fill your house in the most continuous way, congratulations! I'm so happy for you27. The most exciting part of being parents is that you can see your little me in your little one. 28. I welcome you and your little one to fatherhood and childhood, respectively. May you be blessed among yourselves. Welcome Baby Girl Wishes29. Everyone deserves to witness the career of a lovely little princess. I'm glad you have experience in this! 30. That you find fulfillment in your new work as parents to an amazing personality that is still so fragile! 31. May they have the wisdom to guide and nurture this little one in greatness. 32. All couples pray for having the gift of children. You're so lucky to have what many people pray for. Best wishes33. Like yesterday, his birth occurred. Isn't it good to be a glass through which another is born? I bet you did. Congratulations, friends! 34. It feels like Christmas, it feels like the birth of a star. Your little girl is evoking so sweetness at birth... I have no doubt that tomorrow is great. 35. I'm sure of one fact; this baby is so blessed to have them as their parents. Greetings. Welcome Baby Girl Greetings36. I am so happy that you get to experience the joy of parenting at this stage ... 37. Your family is growing so beautifully. I wish you to grow in sweetness and grace. 38. I wish you patience and temperance in your new role as parents. You'll need them. Dear little boy, you may not be able to read this, but let it be known that somewhere in the registry, someone said you are destined to greatness. Welcome to the world... 40. From now on, you have a girl to wake up. Open the task! Best wishes. Congratulations to the new girl41. An opportunity to raise a woman who will make a denture in the world has now been presented to you. Don't use it wrong! 42. It's a big responsibility, but I think you'll be graciously overcoming the challenges. Congratulations! The upbringing is the last job. But, it's one of the jobs that can stretch you and make you the best version of yourself. May you find this stage of your life worth documenting. 44. He's breathing fresh air. That the next few years don't tamper with the impressive atmosphere. 45. This little boy is here to give the world a reason to smile, laugh and be the best no matter what. Congratulations Message for the new born girl46. Sending blessings to the amazing parents of the adorable little girl47. Congratulations on being at the receiving end of a wonderful wonder. Don't ever let you walk. 48. May she be an oasis of joy for all around especially her parents. How good to have a little princess around 49. Welcome, baby. We are so happy that you have satisfied our expectation with your sweetness and aura of bliss. 50. I can barely wait to see you running around screaming mommy. You've spent a day with us and something tells me you're gonna be full of life! Welcome, baby. Amazing new born baby wishes > messages to confess the parents > send well wishes to new born which are appropriate for both new born baby boy or girl. Amazing new born baby wishes > messages to confess the parents > send well wishes to new born which are appropriate for both new born baby boy or girl.
50 Islamic Birthday Wishes and Newborn Baby Messages and Budgets Islamic Birthday Wishes for Muslims- These desires play a very important role in one's life, as birthday is the most memorable day in one's life. At the time a birthday individual receives all exquisite writings, calls, cards and messages from social media this makes them feel good and happy. In addition, they feel comforting and refreshing to see that so many individuals would take a few seconds of their busy day to recognize their existence once a year. At the point of the note, individuals must express gratitude to friends and family members who have greeted and celebrated their birthday. This article will list all the beautiful Islamic ways of wishing a birthday to a Muslim individual. So if someone celebrates their birthday, make sure you send your best happy birthday wishes. Here are some samples of Islamic birthday wishes that could be an inspiration for you. How to wish a birthday in a reason to wish a birthday in an Islamic wayHow should a Muslim celebrate the birthday? These are some points that a Muslim individual should take into account while celebrating someone's birthday or his own birthday.↓ 50 – Islamic Birthday Wish for Sister↓ 49 – Wish Birthday to Husband in an Islamic Manner↓ 48 – Islamic Birthday Wishes to Brother↓ 47 – Wish Birthday to Wife in an Islamic way↓ 46 – Islamic Birthday Wish with a mosque↓ 45 – Romantic Islamic Birthday Wish↓ 44 – Birthday wishes for Muslim Friend↓ 43 – Wishing a newborn baby with the message of Islamic birthdaySer father is the time when Other family friends congratulate the newborn's parents not only bring parents to the comfort zone, but also make them feel more relaxed and happy. Therefore, with my point of view, individuals must celebrate the new entry into the family. RECOMMENDED: ↓ 42 – How to Wish ↓ ↓ Islamic anatom in a child with an Islamic way ↓ 40 – How to wish Islamic birthday to a teenage girl ↓ 39 – Islamic Happy Birthday Wishes for the family 38 – Happy Birthday Wishes with "Allah Bless You" Words 37 – Islam Happy Birthday Wishes 36 – Islamday 28 – Islamic Birthday Wishes with Images 27↓ In an Islamic form to a Cousin↓ 22 – Islamic Birthday Wishes for Mother↓ 21 – Islamic Birthday Wish to a New Born Baby Boy↓ 20 – Birthday Greeting to an Unknown Person in an Islamic WayRECOMENDED: via↓ 19 – Islamic Birthday Wish to a New Born Baby Girl 18 – Islamic Birthday Wishes for Sweet Sixteen↓ 17 – Cute Islamic birthday message for son-in 16 – Wish Birthday Birthdays are usually occasions for happiness and party. Family members and friends meet at the event referring to birthdays and want many happy returns of the day and offer their blessings. They carry with them wonderful gifts and cards. Take a look at this guide at via↓ 13 – Islamic Happy Birthday Uncle Quote↓ 12 – Advance Birthday Quote to Wish↓ 11 – Sweet Birthday Message from Son a Padre↓ 10 – Islamic Birthday Wish Thank you Family Quotes↓ 9 – The most sincere Islamic birthday salutes.↓ 8 – Happy Birthday Islamic Datings for Sister En derecho↓ 7 – Islamic Birthday Wishes with the Son of Parentsvia↓ 6 – Happy Birthdays Budget Wishes for the best friend Best friends are a gift in life, and it is important to find ways to surprise your best friend every time and then remind them of how special they are. But make sure you make all surprises in time.↓ 5 – Happy Birthday to Islamic Wife Quotes↓ 4 – Corrected birthdays Wishes " Dating for friends " Familyvia↓ 3 – Birthdays Wish with the word "Islam"↓ 2 – Beautiful Islamic Birthday Cardvia↓ 1 – Islamic birthdays Wish of a young child of 1 year About the author A content writer of the day and a reader of the night – two things he loves the most. When Zoona is not writing, she will be thinking about what to bake later or where to travel later. When it comes to writing, it has always been a narrator and one of his short stories was published in 2014 in the anthology of the Oxford University Press of contemporary short stories, I will find my way. Her love for fiction writing also led her to complete a short course on "How Writers Write Fiction" at the University of Iowa. Your other interests include binge-ver Netflix or online games.8 CommentsNice Post On Islamic Birthday Wishes For Ramadan Wishes 2017 Visit Ramadan Wishes To finally talk to us abo carot √50 Islamic Birthday аnd Newborn Baby Wishes Messages and quotes Nice Post On Islamic Birthday WishesNice collection of Islamic birthday wishesNice post and content on Islamic birthday wishesNice Post Related posts

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